The Northeast Superior Forest Community (NSFC) is a partnership of the Northeastern Superior Mayors' Group and six forest-dependent communities in Northern Ontario 's Northeastern Lake Superior boreal forest region.
Northeast Superior Forest Community communities are uniting to transform the region's traditional forest sector into new opportunities for innovative industry development. Their vision is of a prosperous future in non-traditional opportunities for economic diversification in areas such as bio-energy and wood-related projects, non-timber forest product development, and education and marketing initiatives.
NSFC partners represent towns with a strong forestry heritage and industry-based economies, and have developed a shared economic strategy for their forest communities. Recognizing their future still depends on forest resources despite recent economic downturns, they are acting as a catalyst to make their region's forest sector work for the committed people whose homes and livelihoods are rooted in this region and its forest-based economy.
General Manager: Clara Lauzière
T: (705) 864‐2031 Ext. 221
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Box 1388, 26 Pine Street West
Chapleau, ON
P0M 1K0