The Manitoba Model Forest (MBMF), encompassing 1.05 million hectares of boreal forest, is located northeast of Winnipeg and extends eastward from Lake Winnipeg to the Manitoba-Ontario border. The forest's dominant tree species are balsam fir, black spruce, jack pine, trembling aspen, white birch and white spruce. MBMF is an active participant in sustainable forest management and community development at the provincial level especially in the areas of Aboriginal involvement, climate change, non-timber forest products, wildlife (including endangered species such as woodland caribou), woodlots and youth education and training. Manitoba Model Forest, with support from Canadian development agencies, has also collaborated on several international projects, such as reforestation and community development in the Mariposa Monarca Model Forest in Mexico, integrated resource management in the Chiloe Model Forest in Chile and indigenous ethno-tourism in the rainforests of Costa Rica.
General Manager: Brian Kotak
T: 204.367.4541
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Box 6500
Pine Falls, MB
R0E 1M0