A workshop in Val d’Or provided a forum for improved cross-cultural understanding and networking as stakeholders jointly discussed forestry-related issues. The result was a better understanding of corporate and cultural views of the forest. Participants in the various consultations identified 16 priority areas needing research.
Institut de recherche Crie
Cree Research and Development Institute
Harmonizing Cross-Cultural Views

Harmonizing Cross-Cultural Views
The Cree Research & Development Institute is leading an initiative to improve dialogue among Crees, the forest industry, provincial officials, and researchers. The goal of the Harmonizing Cross-Cultural Views Project is to share information and build a mutual understanding of forest-related activities and values. The aim is to harmonize Cree traditional and forest industry activities through increased communication, understanding and Cree participation in forest resource planning and development.
Organisations Menu
- Devenez membre
- Zone géographique
- Collectivité forestière de Clayoquot
- Institut de recherche Crie
- Forêt modèle de l’Est de l’Ontario
- Forêt modèle de Fundy
- Forêt modèle du Lac-Saint-Jean
- Forêt modèle du Lac Abitibi
- Projet Le Bourdon
- Forêt modèle du Manitoba
- FM de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
- Communauté forestière du L Supérieur
- Forêt modèle de Prince Albert
- Prince Edward Island Model Forest Partnership
- Association Ressources-Nord
- Forêt modèle de Weberville Community
Cree R&D; Institute
Harmonizing Cross-Cultural Views
The Cree Research & Development Institute is leading an initiative to improve dialogue among Crees, the forest industry, provincial officials,…Written on Lundi, 21 Juin 2010 12:22 Read more...
Cree Forest Lexicon
The Cree Research & Development Institute is leading an initiative to foster better communication among working groups and Cree land…Written on Mardi, 11 Mai 2010 12:24 Read more...