Media Advisory
2011 CIF-NL and NL Registered professional Foresters Association
55th Annual General Meeting and Conference
Managing the Forest for Multiple Values Canadian Institute of Forestry – NL Section & Registered Professional Foresters Association 55th Annual General Meeting and Conference |
October 11 – 13, 2011 |
Terra Nova Resort, Port Blandford, NL |
About the CIF/IFC:
The Canadian Institute of Forestry (CIF) is the national voice of forest practitioners. Formed in 1908, the Institute represents foresters, forest technologists and technicians, ecologists, biologists, geographers, educators, scientists and many others with a professional interest in forestry. The Institute's mission is to provide national leadership in forestry, promote competence among forestry professionals, and foster public awareness of Canadian and international forestry issues.
About the conference:
The values derived from our forests are more than just wood for pulp & paper or commodity lumber. The forests are managed to provide multiple values for numerous forest stakeholders. Managing our forest sustainably (environmentally, socially and economically) for multiple values is no easy task. The 55th Annual General Meeting and Conference allows NL forest practitioners to get together, share information and learn from each other.
About the program:
The program will include local forest industry representation, and discussion topics will focus on value added products, non-timber forest products, recreation, First Nations values, ecological goods and services and much more. These topics will make for an informative day of presentations and discussions.
For more information:
Allen Masters, Chair, CIF-NL Section
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Rebecca Parsons
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