The CMFN has been active for over 20 years in Canada’s forest sector, and after many successes they are broadening their scope to apply some of those lessons learned to other Canadian natural resource sectors. The CMFN describes RRM as resource integration at the landscape level, a collaborative approach where natural resource managers from multiple sectors and stakeholders can work together towards common goals and objectives. This direction was showcased through RNA’s cooperative land management conference. RNA, a RRM pioneer, brought together multiple industries working on the landscape in BC to present, discuss and learn from one another how to work cooperatively. Presentations included representatives from Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), The Mining Association of BC, Council of Forest Industries, Ducks Unlimited Canada, First Nations Chiefs, BC ministries of Environment and Natural Resource Operations, and many more. In particular, RNA’s Model Forest panel discussion, underlined site level RRM initiatives, both in Canada and internationally.
Moreover, the week highlighted the launch of MFConnect, a service delivery branch of the CMFN. It is designed to bring together 20 years of experience across 15 Model Forest organizations to provide clients with professional, effective & unique service delivery, locally and regionally, by drawing on its network of expertise across the country. MF Connect will provide facilitation, event and project management services to government agencies, private companies and not-for-profits.
Overall, both the meeting and the conference were a great success, highlighting the CMFN’s transition, building on its past, and innovating for the future.